Do you want your home to match the project? Do you need exactly the materials that are described in the plan? Are you sure that builders should stay within the estimate? If you prefer to avoid mistakes and want to see the perfect result, then you need supervision.

What is supervision?

Even the most responsible team can accidentally make a mistake, but errors cannot be avoided if inexperienced builders work. Sometimes, this happens due to an unfortunate set of circumstances, and sometimes, it is not the builders’ fault at all (for example, there was no material or decor in the store). But whatever the reason, these errors should be fixed. Moreover, a highly qualified supervisor must observe the work because he (or she) sees the most minor nuances.

The First Select employees are educated and have extensive experience in the construction industry. By ordering supervision from us, you can be sure:

  1. The team will complete the tasks on time;
  2. A single dirham will not exceed the estimate;
  3. The materials specified in the project will be used for construction and decoration.

In addition, you do not have to waste your time and check the work constantly. Forget about problems and enjoy the anticipation of an excellent fit-out, and our supervisors will control everything to the smallest detail.

Call Now

The work is underway, and you need a look from the outside. Or are you just planning a fit-out and want to take care of everything in advance? You may need a project, a team of builders, and supervision. First Select will meet any challenge. Call  +971 58 697 3477 , or write to Telegram and WhatsApp. Let’s discuss your request and find the best solution!

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    Stages of Supervision

    Supervision is a long-term process. The supervisor must check daily and control every action for everything to be perfect. Here's how it goes.

    01. Project reading
    02. Inspection of completed work
    03. Creating a report
    04. Sending the report to you
    About Us
    Why First Select

    Our team members are qualified professionals who know what supervision is.


    We have been working with decor and fit-out for many years, so we understand what the process looks like “from the inside.”


    The superpower of the First Select team members is attention to the most minor details.

    The ability to notice the important things

    Our supervisors pay attention to what eludes others.

    Organizational skills

    We not only find the error, but we also know how to fix it.


    We study the work of builders impartially and never mislead you.

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